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      A Year of Mercy, opening Dec 13 2015, in San Francisco, California

In communion with the universal Church,
I went to Saint Mary's cathedral,
in San Francisco, on December 13 at 3pm,
to attend and participate in the Rite of
the Opening of the Door of Mercy.

IN ENGLISH (in French, after the photos):
1. Why have a Jubilee of Mercy?
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning. Yesterday I opened here, in St Peter’s Basilica, the Holy Door of the Jubilee of Mercy, after having previously opened it in the Cathedral of Bangui, Central Africa. Today I would like to reflect together with you on the meaning of this Holy Year, responding to the question: Why have a Jubilee of Mercy? What does this mean?
The Church is in need of this extraordinary occasion. I am not saying: this extraordinary occasion is good for the Church. I am saying: the Church needs this extraordinary occasion. In this era of profound changes, the Church is called to offer her particular contribution, rendering visible the signs of the presence and closeness of God. The Jubilee is a favourable time for all of us, because by contemplating Divine Mercy, which overcomes all human limitations and shines in the darkness of sin, we are able to become more certain and effective witnesses.
Turning our gaze to God, merciful Father, and to our brothers and sisters in need of mercy, means focusing our attention on the essential contents of the Gospel: Jesus, Mercy made flesh, who renders the great mystery of the Trinitary Love of God visible to our eyes. Celebrating a Jubilee of Mercy is equivalent to placing once again the specific nature of the Christian faith, namely Jesus Christ, the merciful God, at the centre of our personal life and that of our communities.
It is a Holy Year, therefore, so as to live mercy. Yes, dear brothers and sisters, this Holy Year is offered to us so that we may experience in our lives the sweet and gratifying touch of God’s forgiveness, his presence beside us and his closeness especially in the moments of greatest need. This Jubilee, in other words, is a privileged moment for the Church to learn to choose only “what pleases God most”. What is it that “pleases God most”? Forgiving his children, having mercy on them, so that they may in turn forgive their brothers and sisters, shining as a flame of God’s mercy in the the world. This is what pleases God most.

Year of Mercy photo 1

Year of Mercy photo 2

Year of Mercy photo 3

Year of Mercy photo 4

Year of Mercy photo 5

Year of Mercy photo 6

Year of Mercy photo 7

Introduction : Pourquoi un jubilé de la Miséricorde
Chers frères et sœurs, bonjour,
Hier j’ai ouvert ici, dans la basilique Saint-Pierre, la porte sainte du jubilé de la miséricorde, après l’avoir déjà ouverte dans la cathédrale de Bangui, en Centrafrique. Je voudrais aujourd’hui réfléchir avec vous sur la signification de cette année sainte, en répondant à la question: pourquoi un jubilé de la miséricorde? Qu’est-ce que cela signifie?
L’Eglise a besoin de ce moment extraordinaire. Je ne dis pas: ce moment extraordinaire est bon pour l’Eglise. Je dis: l’Eglise a besoin de ce moment extraordinaire. A notre époque de profonds changements, l’Eglise est appelée à offrir sa contribution particulière, en rendant visibles les signes de la présence et de la proximité de Dieu. Et le jubilé est un temps favorable pour nous tous, car en contemplant la Divine miséricorde, qui franchit toute limite humaine et qui resplendit sur l’obscurité du péché, nous pouvons devenir des témoins plus convaincus et efficaces.
Tourner le regard vers Dieu, le Père miséricordieux, et vers nos frères qui ont besoin de miséricorde, signifie diriger notre attention sur le contenu essentiel de l’Evangile: Jésus, la miséricorde faite chair, qui rend visible à nos yeux le grand mystère de l’Amour trinitaire de Dieu. Célébrer un jubilé de la miséricorde équivaut à mettre à nouveau au centre de notre vie personnelle et de nos communautés, le caractère spécifique de la foi chrétienne, c’est-à-dire Jésus Christ, le Dieu miséricordieux.
Une année sainte, donc, pour vivre la miséricorde. Oui, chers frères et sœurs, cette année sainte nous est offerte pour faire l’expérience dans notre vie du contact doux et tendre du pardon de Dieu, de sa présence à nos côtés et de sa proximité, en particulier dans les moments de plus grand besoin...
PAPE FRANÇOIS, AUDIENCE GÉNÉRALE, Mercredi 9 décembre 2015
Lire la suite: Ici

What can I say? I understand now the mercy of God in ways
than I had never thought about before, and I am extremely grateful for it.
Grateful and joyful! It is very liberating, divine mercy is accessible to all,
we just need to welcome it, and simply and respectfully respond with gratitude.

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