French Blessing Before Meal
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Le Bénédicité

Bénédiction avant les repas

The French Blessing before meals, usually sang all together. This is actually my family's version where, somehow, along the years, we added the 4th verset and where my granddaughters sing the very last word: "AMEN!" forcefully and joyfully!

      Bénissez-nous, Seigneur,
      Bénissez ce repas,
      Ceux qui l'ont preparé,
      Ceux qui vont le partager,
      Et procurez du pain
      A ceux qui n'en ont pas.

The traditional version is:
  Bénissez-nous, Seigneur,
  Bénissez ce repas,
  Ceux qui l'ont preparé,
  Et procurez du pain
  A ceux qui n'en ont pas.

French croissants Michele's breakfast food

Whether your breakfast is the wonderful traditional French one of Croissants, Croix de Savoie au sucre ou Beignet aux pommes (in the left photo)
or more like mine nowadays, which is, in ascending order, and because of diabetes: low carbs, protein and green veges (as in the samples in the right photo)
the need to say "Thank you !" is still there, before the first bite.

Another private Blessing Before Eating is this one below, which took shape in my heart a few years ago, and which I usually say silently when alone:
    I thank you, Lord, for the food in front of me,
    For my family and my friends around me
    And for all the ones I encounter daily
    On this most amazing journey.
    I thank you first and foremost
    For your Son JESUS !
    And for the gifts offered to us
    All along the way
    In you mercy and your grace.


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