Transfiguration musings
little flowers of faith
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Transfiguration musings

"This is my beloved Son;
listen to him"

The Transfiguration (a drawing by michszek)

"Jesus took with him Peter and James and John and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves; and he was transfigured before them and his garnments became glistening, intensely white, as no fuller on earth could bleach them.
And there appeared to them Elijah with Moses and they were talking to Jesus.
And Peter said to Jesus:
"Master, it is well that we are here, let us make 3 tents: one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah"
For he did not know what to say, for they were frightened.
And a cloud overshadowed them and a voice came out of the cloud: "This is my beloved Son, listen to him".

Mark 9:2-7 (Revised Standard Version - Catholic Edition - Ignatius Press)

My own musings on this essential event 

Once, a few years ago, I had an epiphany re: the Transfiguration. It was a revealing moment which filled me with joy and trust. Trust in Christ, joy in the faith. I wrote about it on my page on Saint Ephraim. But the consequence of such moment is that, whenever I read about the Transfiguration, or listen to it in the liturgy, or think about it in my head, it brings a magnificent wave of joy and trust! The Transfiguration happened on a mountain (think Ascent)! The continual wrestling up the ladder to heaven for any Christian, or our own ascent to come closer to Jesus, or the constant climbing towards truth and beauty, goodness and justice, in our own life, in our own relationships with those around us…
The Words of the Father “Listen to Him”! are to strengthen our own resolve, in a nutshell, from the Baptism of Christ to the Transfiguration and His Passion, all of it is to fortify us in our faith and our hope.

Pope Francis

Récemment, le Pape François a dit:
« J’aimerais tirer deux éléments significatifs de cet épisode de la Transfiguration, disait le pape François, et en faire la synthèse en deux mots : la montée et la descente. Nous avons besoin d’un endroit écarté, de gravir la montagne en un espace de silence, pour nous retrouver nous-mêmes et mieux percevoir la voix du Seigneur. C’est ce que nous faisons dans la prière. Or nous ne pouvons pas y demeurer. La rencontre de Dieu dans la prière nous pousse encore à descendre de la montagne, à regagner la partie basse, la plaine, où nous retrouvons tant de frères affligés par la fatigue, les maladies, les injustices, les ignorances, la pauvreté matérielle et spirituelle. C’est à nos frères qui traversent des épreuves que nous sommes appelés à porter les fruits de notre expérience avec Dieu pour partager avec eux la grâce reçue”.
From the site of Opus Dei, here is the link for the full text: La Transfiguration de Jesus, commentaire d'Évangile


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