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Le blog de la Bergerie |
I read these lines from Saint Paul and I was amazed how appropriate they are for our world today:
I command you in the presence of God and of Jesus Christ who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearance and his kingdom: preach the Word, be ready in season and out of season, convince, reprimand and encourage, be steadfast in patience and dedicated in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths. 2 Tim 4:1-5
By myths, do you think he meant darwinism and eugenism, consumerism and hedonism?
What about political correctness?
I love the way he phrased it: "wander into myths" just like we can wander into the wilderness...
By "itching ears" which is such a funny image), do you think it was a direct allusion to our modern addictions?
It is so easy to get distracted and go off course...
But I want sound teaching, I want the truth!
O Paul, help us sort out this mess we have piled up around us, help us go back
to the Word and cling to it, help us proclaim it again and again, because it
is only when we spread the Good News that the true flowers of truth can blossom
and pierce through the twigs and dirt and dried leaves of our selfishness and
lazziness. But blossom they will and their beautiful petals will open up and shine.
Originally, I had posted this photos of "colchiques" because they can look so lovely and fragile,
but the truth is that they are poisonous, all of it, from stem to petals,
so I wanted to find another flower photo among the twigs and dirt,
but then I decided that this original one is actually very appropriate
to illustrate my comments about the dangers of manipulating the truth!
People get hurt, people suffer... Nevertheless, the original picture (upper corner left) is almost 15 years old so I put my boots on and went out to the edge of the forest and took 3 more photos of flowers blooming among the twigs...
And to think I first wrote this years ago, before the wave of "wokism" invaded our shores...